I am unique, individual, exceptional, irreproducible, irreplaceable. I have no interest in this unrighteous world that tells me I must be a cog in its gears, a part in its machine.
The world should come to me, in deference and modesty, asking me what I am. But instead the world comes to me in arrogance and presumption, telling me what I should be.
I have no interest in learning to admire the same celebrities the world admires. I have no interest in learning to trade the same currency the world trades.
The world should be coming to me with eyes wide open, preparing to admire my courage and learn the ways of my unique, irreplaceable spirit. But instead the world comes to me with eyes glazed over, admiring celebrities and currencies, commanding me to admire them too.
I and I alone must define the path I take in crossing the stream of life. If I allow the world to define my path for me, I have failed in the most sacred duty of the human spirit. I have abandoned the unique spirit I really am, and put in its place the faceless, mindless, mediocre spirit of the crowd.
The unique spirit with the courage to defy the crowd has always been persecuted. To hold fast to your unique spirit you must learn to love that persecution.
Every memory of being taunted and ridiculed for being different sparkles with a gleam of joyful innocence. Every blow I received for refusing to obey shines as a glorious victory.
Why are we all so eager to capitulate, acquiesce, conform and obey? Why do we so readily give up what is exceptional and irreplaceable in ourselves?
When I hear people talking about celebrities, I ask, "Why do you squander admiration on something outside yourself rather than finding and perfecting your own unique spirit?"
YOU are the sole celebrity I admire. When you cast aside all imitation and obedience, and I see the concealed beauty underneath, I am ready to applaud you.
The world gives you the illusion that you have chosen your celebrities. But when the world has identified the possible choices beforehand, in what sense did you really choose? Why not give the first person you meet today the same love and devotion you squandered yesterday on a celebrity chosen for you by the world?
Even supposing a celebrity is overflowing with talent and virtue, does this justify your choice to spend time with an electronically reproduced virtue, rather than striving to cultivate a real, living virtue in a real, living person? In someone present, not absent? In yourself and the people you meet?
Inside you is an irreverent spark, an unquenchable fire. When you are looking for something to admire, this is what you should be looking for. While you were busy admiring celebrities and currencies yesterday, you left the spark unnoticed. You left the fire untended. And it felt sad and neglected.
Every person you meet also has this spark and this fire. If you don't see the spark and the fire in the person next to you, if you look for it instead in electronically reproduced images and sounds, you have not looked hard enough. Love the real person beside you in all their uniqueness and singularity. Don't squander your love on electronic reproductions prepared by the millions.
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