The axiom of identity is one of the fundamental axioms of logic. How does this identity work, exactly? Can I substitute anything for A? Let's try that:
0 = 0
1 = 1
Triangle = Triangle
1 = 1
Triangle = Triangle
Whoa! Triangle = Triangle? That's clearly false. There are many different triangles. So where did we go wrong?
People often ridicule the philosophy of free market apologist Ayn Rand as boiling down to this:
Premise: Existence exists.
Premise: A is A.
Conclusion: The free market is just and moral.
Premise: A is A.
Conclusion: The free market is just and moral.
This might seem like a parody, but in fact the conclusion is not so far removed from the premises as it might at first seem.
Consider the following argument:
Premise P1: A = A
Lemma L1: dollar = dollar
Lemma L2: dollar in the hands of hero = dollar in the hands of villain
Lemma L3: dollar in the hands of starving person buying bread = dollar in the hands of billionaire buying another mansion
Lemma L1: dollar = dollar
Lemma L2: dollar in the hands of hero = dollar in the hands of villain
Lemma L3: dollar in the hands of starving person buying bread = dollar in the hands of billionaire buying another mansion
Now consider another argument:
Premise P2: A = A
Lemma L4: triangle = triangle
Lemma L5: isosceles triangle = scalene triangle
Lemma L4: triangle = triangle
Lemma L5: isosceles triangle = scalene triangle
These arguments, at least to me, seem quite analogous. We lump different things under one concept, and then assert they are equal.
Now consider this argument:
Premise P3: In order for accountants to add their columns, every dollar must equal every other dollar.
Lemma L6: Therefore, every dollar is equal to every other dollar.
Lemma L6: Therefore, every dollar is equal to every other dollar.
This pragmatic argument has its merits. We could also say, after all, that in order to prove geometric theorems, we must assume a straight line can be made joining two points. The geometer's use of points and lines as abstractions does violence to real objects, which never quite attain to the Platonic ideals of pointhood and linehood.
When a shop clerk turns away a gluttonous man so she can feed the poor, we call it discrimination. When a shop clerk turns away a poor man, we call it sound business sense. We have not eliminated discrimination. We have only reduced it to a single dimension. The multi-dimensional space of values has collapsed onto one axis, labeled in dollars.
Wisdom and virtue are outdated. In the brave new world what we need are accountants. We need men and women willing to set aside the subtleties of moral reasoning and assert in unison:
Dollar equals dollar. We don't discriminate.
When people ask troublesome questions, the script is set beforehand.
Child: Who is in need? Who has enough?
Accountant: Dollar equals dollar. We don't discriminate.
Child: Why do we build mansions for the rich while the poor are homeless?
Accountant: Dollar equals dollar. We don't discriminate.
Accountant: Dollar equals dollar. We don't discriminate.
Child: Why do we build mansions for the rich while the poor are homeless?
Accountant: Dollar equals dollar. We don't discriminate.
In eliminating all forms of discrimination but one, we seem to have outlawed racism. But have we? So long as money follows bloodlines, there is a race of rich and a race of poor. Accountants have made this form of racism into a science. They are professional racists.
My education taught me to instinctively side with the rich and powerful. It became second nature. I was always charming to rich people. And I always ignored the homeless. I didn't feel like a sinner. Everyone else was doing it. How could it be a sin?
We all know what it feels like to be despised and neglected. Even the most privileged child has felt lost and abandoned. We might respond by sympathizing with the despised and neglected. Or we might respond by seeking more privilege.
Virtue and wisdom are obsolete ideas. The modern world is ruled by a more scientific form of moral reasoning. Let E{P(X)} be the expected profit from activity X. To decide between two lines of conduct, C1 and C2, we use the following algorithm:
Algorithm A1:
E{P(C1)} > E{P(C2)} ?
Yes: Choose C1
No: Choose C2
Algorithm A1 is an algorithm of tremendous beauty. In its remarkable simplicity and brevity, it rivals the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself.
Accountants rule corporations that destroy habitats. It's impossible to assign a value to an endangered species. Therefore accountants assign it a value of zero. A point on the y axis, when projected onto the x axis, ends at the origin. In the one-dimensional reasoning of accounting, a world with an endangered species and a world without it are identical.
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